Save the date | December 10•12, Florence
The full program is ONLINE
Updates on LuciaFestivalFirenze and luciafestival
Reservations will be open from November 22nd on
Admission is free but due to the limited number of seats, booking is compulsory.
The Green Pass is required to access Lucia's venues.
The use of a mask is compulsory.
LUCIA is an international festival dedicated to the listening of radio works and podcasts. It is a celebration of the art of storytelling without images.
Now in its third edition, the festival presents audio narratives from all over the world, and does so thanks to the curated production of subtitled videos, which make the content accessible to all. In addition to listening sessions, LUCIA is also a calendar of live performances and meetings with authors and audio makers.
LUCIA 2021 returns to its host city, Florence, for a widespread festival, and aims to draw constellations of other stories, knowledge and relationships around the scheduled listenings. Lucia is happening at Villa Galileo, Orto botanico - Giardino dei Semplici, at the Photo Library of the Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz, at The Recovery Plan and The Stellar.

Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz – Max-Planck-Institut, fotografo: Stefano Fancelli
We are overwhelmed with joy and proud to be presenting works by: Jasmina Al-Qaisi, ALMARE, Francesca Berardi, Charo Calvo, Viso Collettivo [Luca Morino, Federico Pianciola and Riccardo Salvini], Joyce de Badts & Tom Loois, Kate Donovan, Maartje Duin & Peggy Bouva, Nyokabi Kariũki, Laura Malacart, Leslie Menahem, Muta Imago, Simina Oprescu, Studiolanda [Giorgia Cadeddu & Vittoria Soddu].
The year 2021 has passed with the waiting for, and finally the rediscovery of bodies. In the drowsiness and constriction of the months of isolation we missed them, we felt the enduring absence of relations with others, animate or inanimate. This is why we like to read the galaxy of Lucia 2021's works as a path to the rediscovery and revelation of the material, metamorphic, historical bond between the individual and the world, between every life and the multiplicity of other forms.
Press Office & social media
Lorenzo Migno - +39 339 4736584
Lucia è curated by Radio Papesse and organized in collaboration with Fondazione Diaristica Nazionale Pieve Santo Stefano, Kunsthistorisches Institut in Florenz - Max-Planck-Institut, Università degli Studi di Firenze • Sistema Museale di Ateneo, SRISA The Recovery Plan, The Stellar, Villa Romana. With the support of: Fondazione CR Firenze, European Cultural Foundation, Kingdom of the Netherland, Città Metropolitana di Firenze. Under the patronage of: Regione Toscana and Comune di Firenze. Partners: Oorzaken Festival, RAI Radio 3, Radio Techetè, Radio Atlas, MLOL, SDIAF, Anjmot.